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Rice dryer market will also appear new trends

Information sources: | Release date: 2020-02-04 13:40:15 | Browse volume:48385


Most of China like to eat rice, and rice also accounts for a large proportion of my countrys grain cultivation. With the renewal of agricultural machinery and equipment, many aspects of rice planting have been mechanized. Affected by the rainy and hum…

Most of China like to eat rice, and rice also accounts for a large proportion of my country's grain cultivation. With the renewal of agricultural machinery and equipment, many aspects of rice planting have been mechanized. Affected by the rainy and humid environment, rice dryers will also play an important role in the harvest of rice in the future, and new trends in the rice dryer market will also appear.

Rice drying is an important step after grain harvest. In order to reduce the loss of field shattering during harvesting, it is necessary to pay attention to timely harvesting. Grains harvested in a timely manner have a large moisture content. If they are not dried in time, they will cause mildew and spoilage. It can be seen that rice drying is a problem that cannot be ignored.

According to the current situation of my country's grain drying equipment, combined with the needs of the vast rural market, the development of domestic grain drying equipment will show the following trends:

  (1) The production capacity of rice dryers should be developed to large-scale development. In the future, it is necessary to develop equipment with a processing capacity of 20-30 tons per hour.
  (2) Equipment designed to reduce high-moisture grains to safety standards at one time requires a reduction of more than 10%. To this end, there are two ways: one is to adopt a combined drying method, which combines two or more drying methods into a new drying process, such as using a high-temperature fast fluidized dryer to preheat the wet grain. Then use a tumble dryer to dry at a lower temperature. From the current development of rice drying technology in various countries in the world, this is a trend. The second is to design a high-efficiency rice flash dryer.
  (3) Apply measurement and control technology to realize the development of the drying process towards automation or semi-automation.
  (4) It can quickly process large quantities of high-moisture rice at high temperature.
  (5) Research on coal-fired energy, indirect high-efficiency energy-saving rice dryers is still the main direction, and new energy rice dryers, such as microwave energy and solar energy, should also be explored.
  (6) Rural rice dryers should be developed in a small, multi-functional direction, requiring convenient movement, simple operation, low investment, and ensuring the quality of rice drying.

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